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The postnatal period is the most neglected period.

According to WHO “Virtually all women can develop mental disorders during pregnancy and in the first year after delivery,” and “This implies stronger focus on mental health conditions in the integrated delivery of services for maternal and child health.”

Depressive symptoms can occur as early as a month and up to a year after giving birth. "You may have heard about the baby blues. Up to 80 per cent of women feel teary, irritable, overly sensitive, moody or overwhelmed after giving birth (often between day three and day 10 after birth).  Often, changes in hormone levels are to blame and these feelings usually pass within a few days. Usually you don’t need any treatment, just support and understanding. But if these symptoms continue beyond the early days, it may be a sign of something more serious, like depression or anxiety. "

Right now, women in the US have ONE lousy postpartum appointment. This is typically more about the physical healing than anything although that is slowly changing. It's becoming more evident that mothers are not getting enough support and attention. The natural shift that happens as the attention moves from mother to baby can often mean that things get overlooked or excused away. This has deteriorated generationally leading to a very isolated modern day motherhood. We need to do better for our mothers.

Taking time to rest, heal and bond with baby creates creates the “feel good” hormone in the body, oxytocin which naturally lifts mood and outlook. Rushing back sets up a false narrative and this profound thing that has happened gets minimized in a busy bounce-back world.

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